What is posturology

The term "posturology" comes from the root words "postura, the attitude" and "logos, the teaching".

Posturology is the study of posture or, even better, the study of the posture system.


Posturology - The treatment method of the future.

Discover how treating the causes, not just the symptoms, can help you better than previous methods.


Global Postural Reprogramming is a treatment method.

She considers and examines people holistically, globally and treats them that way. We look for the causes of the disturbances in the husbandry system and treat them. The posture center in the brain does not know a normal value for posture there, it can only adapt to information from the body of the person concerned. Informants are the eyes, the feet, the teeth, the inner ear and skin, muscles and joints. If wrong posture information comes from there, a wrong posture arises. We Bricot posturologists recognize these disorders and can treat them with our method! Bricot therefore also describes his treatment as “global reprogramming of the husbandry system”. It's a global reprogramming, back to normal, a postural disorder.

90% of our fellow human beings have back pain or pain in the large joints at some point in their lives, they often have muscle tension, balance disorders, dizziness, headaches up to migraines, even fibromyalgia, a form of soft tissue rheumatism and scoliosis are an indication of posturology. Bite disorders, TMD, cranio-mandibular dysfunction, an imbalance in the masticatory muscles, the lower jaw and the jaw joints with all their disorders up to tinnitus, the annoying ringing in the ears, even sleep disorders, speech and language disorders can be improved with Bricot posturology in the ideal case curable by at least 2-3 years of consistent treatment. We achieve a permanent reprogramming of the postural centers in the long-term memory and can leave out the soles again after the treatment and the new postural control will last for life if another accident, e.g. a renewed convergence disorder of the eyes does not occur.
